An Open Letter to White Americans with Trump Voter Remorse or Protest Voter Persecution Syndrome


I have two words for you, from the bottom of my bleeding heart.

Greetings, fellow white people.

As you can see from my neon glow in the headshot above, I am a white person in all ways that matter. It is, therefore, my responsibility to call attention to some… fallacious efforts to foster camaraderie among those seeking to “join the other side” after voting for Trump or failing to vote against him. There are far too many mayo sapiens expecting a sudden epiphany to the existence of other people to absolve their sins.

There is something no one else (unmelanated) wants to tell you because they’re too busy falling over themselves to welcome you to the fold:

Fuck you, this is your fucking fault. And you know it, too.

“But I didn’t think it would be this bad…”

Shut the fuck up. Wear that $15 egg on your face, or show everyone how paper thin that change of heart is. Those are the only options. It doesn’t matter what your reasoning was. If you justified anything other than voting for the only candidate with a chance to keep this from happening, this is on you.

This was not an unexpected outcome. If you claim it is, you are one of the two:

  1. Extremely gullible, to the point of willful ignorance.
  2. A lying, manipulative opportunist.


You harbor bigotry on some level, whether you’re conscious of it or not. Could be Islamophobia, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, racism, ableism, ageism — any or all. This is not a question of if you harbor prejudice against a marginalized group, but which ones you want to see suffer.

Own that as the character flaw it is. Accept it, apologize for it, and work on your shit so you can mitigate the harm you have caused. This was not some secret plan no one knew about. It was a whole fucking manifesto about hurting those people and you either supported it anyway or you didn’t actively try to stop it.

“But, but, but… Palestine!”

Listen, my little fair-weather fuck-giver, NOTHING is better for Palestine under the thumb of the Turd Reich. If you cared about Palestine, you would have stopped Project 2025. Trump wants to strip Gaza for parts and build high-rise condos on the ashes.

Now we have to fight for Palestine against ourselves, on the home front against our government, and possibly in World War 2.1 against our allies, given the global wave of emboldened fascism. I know infighting is the cultural pastime of leftist ideology, but divide and conquer isn’t supposed to be the tactic you use on your own team.

Under Kamala, we had a chance for peace on Palestine’s behalf that didn’t involve literally destroying the essential infrastructure of the entire global economy and destabilizing our own nation in the process. If that destabilization doesn’t concern you more than a politician politicking in a way you don’t like, check both your privilege and your praxis, motherfucker.

“Fine, I suck. Now what?”

So, you want to make good because you understand how badly you fucked up? Then stop expecting anyone to be nice to you until the wounds stop getting ripped open. Maybe you can start your reputation over in The After.

Right now, we all have your mess to deal with, and we don’t have to work together to work toward the same goal. The groups you ignored never stopped working toward a better life when you refused to help them build; you are not their savior. Your whiteness does not make you the architect of the resistance, but your privilege can become a tool to facilitate change.

Stop saying you get it now and start fixing shit instead. The rest of us are also fixing shit, and some will even help you fix shit for others if you ask nicely. Some will tell you to eat a basket of phalluses instead.

Expect both reactions and meet them with humility. You don’t need to stand there and take a barrage of abuse — no one does. Just stop expecting a safe space from people whose safe spaces you helped destroy.

What can I do to help?

Join the GSUS movement and build your local community network. Contact your representatives daily. Attend a protest. Be loud, be visible, be willing to do the work and walk the walk.

Adapted from Blue Sky for publication.



Michelle Truman AKA Maia Gadwall
Michelle Truman AKA Maia Gadwall

Written by Michelle Truman AKA Maia Gadwall

Michelle Truman lives in a small town in MO with her spouse, kid, and cats. She enjoys writing, crafting, painting, drawing, sculpting, and general creativity.

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