Member-only story

In this semi-structured, rhyming poem imported from DeviantArt, I explore the beginnings of my shift away from faith. For me, there are just too many questions without concrete answers, and the problem of suffering keeps me firmly planted in near-atheistic Deism. It is worth noting, however, that I take no issue with people of faith; what brings another comfort, guidance, or purpose is not mine to judge.
A question without an answer.
Where is your god?
Who am I?
When will this end?
How many will die?
A question without an answer.
When is this over?
Why have you shut
Your eyes to the madness
That conquers within?
Where is your savior?
How will this end?
A question without an answer.
Is nothing here sacred?
What isn’t a sin
That you have committed
In the name of your lord?
Who’s really the monster